Spot Your Mood!
Hackathon project using Spotify API for user mood -> music suggestions
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Partners: Bharath Sreenivas, Winston Cheung, Richard Zhan
We used the Spotify API in conjuction with Google’s NLP API to create an app that classified the mood of your songs. In addition to classification, we were able to query certain moods from a user and output songs that had the most correlation to the mood that the user wanted.
Given a user mood, we first transformed it into a mood vector. From there, we used Spotify’s API to find a subset of songs with similar mood vectors. From here, we created a further embedding that used both spotify’s mood vector and our sentiment analysis result and found the song with the highest dot product with the original user mood vector
We also used a similar process to generate a curated playlist given a specific mood, as well as added ability to log in to your current spotify account and save said playlilst. Finally, we created a function to plot mood over time, so the user could see how the mood of their music changed over some time period.