Maxwell Jones

ML PhD student @ CMU, former MSML Masters and AI + Math Undergrad @ CMU


mjones2 [at] andrew [dot] cmu [dot] edu

I’m currently a first year PhD student at CMU in the Machine Learning Department in the School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University, advised by Prof. Jun-Yan Zhu and Prof. Ruslan Salakhutdinov. I’m also a Rales Fellow at CMU in the inagural 2024 cohort.

In the past, I was a Masters of Machine Learning student at CMU and an AI and Math double major at CMU. As a masters student, I was honored to be selected as a Siebel Scholar. As an undergrad, I was awarded The Mark Stehlik Introductory and Service Teaching Award for my work teaching discrete mathematics.

My research interests include generative modeling for vision and visual tasks, as well as multimodal machine learning in the generative modeling space. In the past I worked on the intersection of applied and theoretical machine learning.

On the fun side, I love sports, and like to play basketball, volleyball, ping pong, and pickleball. I also like doing origami, and I’ve been folding since I was very young.

selected publications

  1. SIGGRAPH Asia
    Customizing Text-to-Image Models with a Single Image Pair
    Maxwell JonesSheng-Yu WangNupur KumariDavid Bau, and Jun-Yan Zhu
    arXiv preprint arXiv:2405.01536, 2024
  2. UAI
    Efficiently learning the graph for semi-supervised learning
    Dravyansh Sharma, and Maxwell Jones
    In Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, 2023
  3. CVPR (Workshop)
    A systematic study of bias amplification
    Melissa Hall, Laurens Van_der_Maaten, Laura GustafsonMaxwell Jones, and Aaron Adcock
    arXiv preprint arXiv:2201.11706, 2022

latest posts


Sep 01, 2024 TA for Deep Reinforcement Learning at CMU, Fall 2024
Aug 26, 2024 Started PhD at CMU in the Machine Learning Department
Aug 21, 2024 Released first blog post on the secretary problem :partying_face: :partying_face:
May 01, 2024 Was awarded Rales Fellowship
Apr 22, 2024 Panelist for what AI research is like @ CMU through PAIR program